What Backbeat Music Does Differently
Accordion content
One of the most important pillars of Backbeat’s philosophy is to foster and respect autonomy. For starters, spoon-feeding students exactly what they should be doing and learning every step of the way robs them of the opportunity to figure things out for themselves.
It also de-motivates them. This is why I tell students that if they’re playing what they’re supposed to, they’re doing it wrong: they need to eventually be making their own choices or their music will sound like cardboard. It is in the making of these choices that make a great musician – not technical skill or knowledge – although those help! It’s why someone who practices 5 hours a day because they’re supposed will never get as good as someone who practices an hour a day because they love it.
Ultimately music isn’t about getting the notes right at all – music about people and connection. Autonomy fosters connection, while simply following directions dims it. -
Making Choices
Making music is a series of choices, and making better music means making better choices. The choices range from “what note should I play next?” to “how should I push down the string?” to “what should I pay attention to and how?”
When you know the answer, making great music is easy. The goal isn’t to carry out directions correctly. It is to figure out what the right choices are for your goals.
Autonomy encourages students to make their own choices, and thus explore what choices are available to them. Inquiry encourages them to ask better and better questions, and thus to better understand the ramifications of their choices -
Backbeat seeks to expand the tent of who gets to be a musician. The traditional view is that only master musicians get to participate in music-making. Kids are expected to devote themselves towards mastery when they start an instrument. Since most kids don’t want to do this, most kids avoid and/or quit music-making altogether, only to regret it later in life.
We avoid that. By allowing kids to be themselves, we encourage autonomy, motivation and a growth mindset. By framing practice time as figuring-out time rather than do-what-your-told time, kids develop the skills to answer their own questions, ask better questions and to see directly that their ability to make better choices depends on what they understand. By improving their understanding, they will make better choices. By making better choices, they get better results. Becoming a master musician isn’t the point. Music is for everyone and everyone should be able to participate as much, or as little, as they’d like.
Prices for Music Lessons for kids in Portland, OR
Backbeat Music offers an easy flat-rate packages for voice lessons. Lessons are scheduled per month, so you get 4 or 5 lessons. We also offer unlimited rescheduling. Makeup lessons can be used on any instrument with any teacher.
Calendar Month of 1x/week 30 Minute Lessons: 159/month (4-5 lessons per month)
Calendar Month of 1x/week 45 Minute Lessons: 219/month (4-5 lessons per month)
Calendar Month of 1x/week 60 Minute Lessons: 299/month (4-5 lessons per month)
What You Should Do Next
Simply call/text us at (503) 290-5090 or click the button below to schedule a free trial lesson.
Other music lessons at Backbeat Music Academy
Drum Lessons | Piano Lessons | Voice Lessons | Violin + Strings Lessons | Ukulele Lessons | Rock Band Classes | Try Everything Bands