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Music Lessons for 3-5 Year Olds

Backbeat Music Academy offers a special program designed for kids 3-5. The reason is typically, younger kids don’t fit in a traditional lessons program because they just want to do what they want to do. However, we turn that traditional weakness into a strength. It’s known by other names, but I call it “teaching from behind”. By knowing what they *are* interested in, we as teachers can narrate, explain, and direct their attention to the elements that are most appropriate for them to learn about. For example, “That’s a great song! Notice the feeling of the ‘pulse’”, or “Yes! The bandura is a really interesting instrument – which strings do you think are the lowest pitches, just by looking at it, and why did you choose that?” Exploration is a key component and part of why we have so many different types of instruments at the school.


Another pillar on which the program rests is that the primary mode younger kids are engaged in, day-by-day, is figuring out how the world works around them and what their senses are telling them. In music, the term is ear-training. Learning to recognize sounds gives any potential musician a huge advantage. But it’s more than just sounds – it is the feel of how the strings move, the tension in their muscles, the vibration of the resonator, the bounce of the sticks. There are so many sensory elements – sources of information – that are valuable to any musician that kids will be learning.

The third pillar is a low-pressure environment. They won’t all be good days, mistakes are part of the learning process. Success isn’t built on correct answers or good days – it is built on figuring out how things work. The understanding that once you know how things operate you’ll be able to make more effective choices – and those are the ones that bring success. If you aren’t making mistakes you aren’t learning.

Only a few select teachers teach younger kids, so please follow this link and select Free Trial for 3-5 to set up a free trial lesson.

What about kids younger than 3?

We’re game to try, just drop us a line at first. Thanks!


Prices for Music Lessons for 3-5 Year Olds in Portland, OR

Backbeat Music offers an easy flat-rate packages for voice lessons. Lessons are scheduled per month, so you get 4 or 5 lessons. We also offer unlimited rescheduling. Makeup lessons can be used on any instrument with any teacher. 

Calendar Month of 1x/week 30 Minute Lessons: 159/month (4-5 lessons per month)
Calendar Month of 1x/week 45 Minute Lessons: 219/month (4-5 lessons per month)
Calendar Month of 1x/week 60 Minute Lessons: 299/month (4-5 lessons per month)


What You Should Do Next

Simply call/text us at (503) 290-5090 or click the button below to schedule a free trial lesson.

Click Here to Schedule Your Free Trial Lesson